(Microfluidics for Microphysiological System)
MF4MPS (Microfluidics for Microphysiological System) is a project by JMAC members, which promotes the standardization of microfluidics used in MPS and contributes to industrialization.
Motive for Organizing
MF4MPS was established to promote industrialization by focusing on international standardization in cooperation with MFA, MFMET and other related activities in Europe, and in coordination with U.S. regulations and standardization. For more information,
click hereJMAC
JMAC is an industrial organization that contributes to industry promotion in the biotechnology field, mainly by supporting standardization as a boundary organization. JMAC brings together companies from a wide range of industries related to biotechnology and promotes activities such as business matching, promotion of mutual cooperation in international markets, and dissemination of reference materials widely used in the industry. For more information,
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